A contribution will support NewFilmmakers Los Angeles in our efforts to provide monthly screenings, filmmaker Q&A’s, special programs and services to artists and members of the creative community. Our programs are at the forefront of arts, culture, education, workforce development, representation and global perspective.
Your donation is a tax deductible contribution under section 170 with the IRS as NewFilmmakers Los Angeles is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization (Tax ID #: 26-4286940).
If you would like to make your pledge a recurring commitment, please select the box that reads Make this a monthly donation on the donate now page.
Looking for more ways to give?
Financial institution: City National Securities
The DTC number which identifies National Financial Services (the clearing firm for City National Securities) is 0226.
The account name is NewFilmmakers Los Angeles. The account number (also known as BHS number) is 304696.
To make an offline donation via credit card or wire transfer, please call (323)-521-7385.
To make an offline donation via check, please follow these instructions:
DAFs can be easily set up through your financial institution or a community foundation to serve as a convenient way to make charitable gifts. Contact your financial advisor for support.
Frequently used firms include Morgan Stanley, Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, Bank of America Charitable Foundation, National Philanthropic Trust, American Endowment Foundation, California Community Foundation, Wells Fargo, Jewish Community Foundation, JP Morgan, HSBC and more.
Our Tax ID or EIN is: 26-4286940
Here’s what our program participants have to say about NewFilmmakers Los Angeles:
Please email info@nfmla.org
NewFilmmakers Los Angeles
1438 N. Gower St. Box 83
Hollywood, CA 90028